======================================================= Chadwick: Software Tools for Game-Level Baseball Data ======================================================= Introduction ============ Chadwick is a collection of command-line utility programs for extracting information from baseball play-by-play and boxscore files in the DiamondWare format, as used by Retrosheet (http://www.retrosheet.org). Author ------- Chadwick is written, maintained, and Copyright 2002-2023 by Dr T. L. Turocy (ted.turocy gmail com) at Chadwick Baseball Bureau (http://www.chadwick-bureau.com). License ------- Chadwick is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. If the GPL doesn't meet your needs, contact the author for other licensing possibilities. Development ----------- The Chadwick source code is managed using git, at https://github.com/chadwickbureau/chadwick. Bugs in Chadwick should be reported to the issue tracker on github at https://github.com/chadwickbureau/chadwick/issues. Please be as specific as possible in reporting a bug, including the version of Chadwick you are using, the operating system(s) you're using, and a detailed list of steps to reproduce the issue. Community --------- To get the latest news on the Chadwick tool suite, you can: - Subscribe to the Chadwick Baseball Bureau's twitter feed (@chadwickbureau); - Like the Chadwick Baseball Bureau on Facebook; - Read the Chadwick Baseball Bureau's blog at (http://www.chadwick-bureau.com/blog/) Acknowledgments --------------- The author thanks `Sports Reference, LLC `_, the `Society for American Baseball Research `_, and `XMLTeam, Inc. `_ for support in the development of portions of Chadwick. The author also thanks David Smith of `Retrosheet `_ for his always-gracious assistance and guidance. Command-line tools ================== Chadwick provides the following command-line programs for extracting information from Retrosheet play-by-play event files: - :ref:`cwevent `, an expanded event descriptor, which replaces and extends the DiamondWare program BEVENT. - :ref:`cwgame `, a game information extractor, which replaces and extends the DiamondWare program BGAME. - :program:`cwbox`, a boxscore generator, which replaces and extends the DiamondWare program BOX. - :program:`cwdaily`, which produces day-by-day player statistical totals. This program is unique to Chadwick. - :ref:`cwsub `, which extracts information about in-game player substitutions. This program is unique to Chadwick. - :program:`cwcomment`, which extracts comment fields from event files. This program is unique to Chadwick. This documentation is intended to be read in conjunction with the materials provided by Retrosheet (see https://www.retrosheet.org/game.htm) summarizing the contents of play-by-play files and operation of the DiamondWare versions of these tools. The Chadwick documentation focuses on filling in gaps in the Retrosheet documentation, and on detailing Chadwick-specific extensions the toolset. .. _cwtools.commandline: Command-line options -------------------- Each of the command-line tools shares a common set of options controlling their behavior. These are detailed in the following table. .. list-table:: Common command-line options and their effects :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10,40 * - Switch - Description * - ``-a`` - Generate ASCII comma-delimited files (default) * - ``-d`` - Print a list of the available fields and descriptions (for use with ``-f``) * - ``-e mmdd`` - The latest date to process (inclusive) * - ``-f flist`` - List of fields to output. The default list can be viewed with ``-h``; the list of available fields can be viewed with ``-d`` * - ``-ft`` - Generate FORTRAN format files. * - ``-h`` - Prints description and usage information for the tool. * - ``-i *gameid*`` - Only process the game with ID ``gameid`` * - ``-n`` - If in ASCII mode (the default), the first row of the output is a comma-separated list of column headers. * - ``-s mmdd`` - The earliest date to process (inclusive) * - ``-y`` - Specifies the year to use (four digits) Documentation of individual tools --------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 cwevent cwgame cwsub .. Indices and tables .. ------------------ .. .. * :ref:`genindex` .. * :ref:`modindex` .. * :ref:`search`